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Child Abuse


Social Work
LPCH 7-8303
SHC 3-5091
ED - page SW
(SW can activate
SCAN Team)


Risk Management

Palo Alto Police
(650) 329-2413

Report Child Abuse:

Santa Clara County
(408) 299-2071

San Mateo County
(800) 632-4615

PDF Document All California
County CPS


This website is intended to assist affiliated healthcare personnel of Stanford University Medical Center and the surrounding community with questions about recognition and management of suspected child abuse.


Child abuse is defined in the California State Penal Code to include:

[See Reporting for definition details.]


Within this website you will find information about screening, assessing, documenting, referring, and reporting suspected child abuse and neglect.  The site also includes:

This information can help healthcare personnel play a vitally important role in monitoring not only the health but the well being of children, since the healthcare system provides a unique opportunity for private and safe communication.

If sexual abuse is suspected

Do NOT perform a genital or pelvic exam.  When you report to police, arrangements will be made for forensic examination and counseling through SART (Sexual Assault Response Team), located at Valley Medical Center, Santa Clara County.

Children are our future. How we treat them reflects upon and subsequently determines the nature of our society.

Please provide if there is something missing from this website that you would find helpful. Also, see Frequently Asked Questions.


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