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09-27-2008 | Comments-Trackbacks (1)

Paul Newman was claimed by cancer this morning.

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09-26-2008 | Comments-Trackbacks (2)
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09-22-2008 | Comments-Trackbacks (1)

It hasn’t made the mainstream media yet but people at the airport are providing updates via Twitter.

Word is that someone tried to bring hand grenade through security at JFK….whole place evacuated

They just made us evacuate at JFK…

at jfk, just landed. they evacuated entire building. loud speaker gal begged everyone to get out!

landed JFK @JetBlue. Waiting by Gate 16 when announcement came to evacuate the building. Headed outside now.

Consider the hand grenade aspect of this unconfirmed for now. I’m looking for additional information.

Update VIII:
It looks like things are returning to normal – although that could take a while:

Loudspeaker: “We are letting everyone in, nice and easy. Don’t worry. No planes are leaving without you.”

Update VII:
All signs are pointing to disarmed or fake grenades:

JFK Update: “Grenades” turned out to be paperweights, WABC TV reports.

Update VI:
Stories are conflicting at the moment. Here’s more on the real grenade angle from WCBSTV:

According to sources, it was spotted at the JetBlue terminal just before 7:55 a.m. The suspicious package turned out to be two World War II grenades wrapped in a passenger’s suitcase.

Immediately after the sighting, passengers were prevented from entering Terminal 6.

As of 8:30 however, passengers were being let back into the area. Authorities believe the situation safe and non-threatening.

Update V:
A potentially positive development:

Apparently JFK JetBlue terminal is re-opened – toy -grenade found

Update IV:
More from Geraldo who apparently is just on scene by coincidence:

Few details are available, but FOX News correspondent Geraldo Rivera reported that two pilots told him the Jet Blue terminal was evacuated after two grenades were found.

Authorities have not confirmed this report.

Update III:
Fox is on the story now but they don’t have much information yet:

The JetBlue terminal at New York’s John F Kennedy International Airport was evacuated on Monday because of a suspicious device, Fox News reported.

Update II:
2 Grenades were just found in the Jet Blue terminal of JFK airport.

More than one person has seen Geraldo on the scene:

JetBlue terminal at JFK being evacuated…Geraldo Rivera is saying the rumor is there were GRENADES found…

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09-19-2008 | Comments-Trackbacks (1)

In Houston we now greet each other with “Do you have power yet?”

The answer is still usually no unless you live on the West side of town. Anything along and East of I-45 took a pretty hard hit. Much of that area, especially parts South of the 610 Loop, will be without power until sometime late September or early October. Amazingly, power outages extend up to the Lufkin area and East past Baton Rouge Louisiana. The CenterPoint restoration map will give you a pretty good feel for Ike’s path.

My family in Clear Lake continues to live without power but they were well prepared. They bought a large generator, window unit air conditioner, and a supply of gas before the storm hit. I was well prepared as well but all of my services were restored quickly. One of the advantages of living downtown is that restoration of service to your area will be a relatively high priority.

Gas has been a major problem for many. Lines aren’t as long but they’re still there. I pass by many closed stations every day. I don’t know if a lack of fuel, power, or both is to blame. This issue hasn’t really been an impact for me either. I filled up my SUV before the storm and limited travel as much as possible to conserve fuel. I have been driving to work since Wednesday but I live within 5 miles of my office. I don’t know what people who commute long distances are doing but they must be pretty miserable.

Those of you in Houston, or surrounding areas, who’d like to help with the relief effort can find a list of places that need your help at one of the Houston Chronicle’s blogs. I hope the rest of you will consider making some kind of donation to the American Red Cross. They are going to have their hands full for a very long time. We all will.

Glenn Reynolds asks “Why do hurricanes that hit Texas get so much less attention than hurricanes that hit New Orleans?


Houstonist rides along with CenterPoint.

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09-16-2008 | Comments-Trackbacks (1)
hurricane ike damage

I took this photo in the Heights about 3 blocks from were I rode out the storm.

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