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11-29-2002 | Comments-Trackbacks (0)

Blogs of War Predator UAV


The World Tribune is reporting that:

The United States is quietly examining the feasibility of assassinating Hizbullah leaders linked to the deaths of U.S. soldiers and civilians in the 1980s.

Well if it’s in the news it isn’t that quiet is it? Anyway, what’s left to discuss? Load up some predators and get to work.

The assassination option was bolstered following the success of a U.S. mission that tracked and killed six Al Qaida operatives in Yemen last month.

Oh man that was cool.

So far, Lebanon and Syria have refused to cooperate in efforts to capture Hizbullah members responsible for the killing of hundreds of Americans in the early 1980s, Middle East Newsline reported. The Iranian-backed group blew up the U.S. Marine Corps barracks and the embassy in Beirut in 1982 and 1983 during the U.S. peacekeeping mission in Lebanon.


In Yemen, the United States used a Predator unmanned air vehicle to follow a car with the Al Qaida members. The Predator then launched a Hellfire anti-tank missile to destroy the car. U.S. officials said the issue is being discussed by the intelligence and law enforcement communities after an assessment that Hizbullah has been cooperating with Al Qaida to launch attacks on civilian installations in Africa and the Middle East.

Who cares if they are cooperating with Al Qaida. They were well deserving of death long before Al Qaida hit the scene. I don’t care if you can link these guys to Satan thru Miss Cleo just kill the sons a bitches ok?

The prospect of assassinating Hizbullah leaders was raised publicly during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last week. Such a move was supported by committee chairman Sen. Arlen Specter, who was questioning U.S. Attorney Robert Conrad, who helped break up a Hizbullah ring in North Carolina last year.

I’m moving to Pennsylvania just to have the honor of voting for this man.

“The United States is moving against Al Qaida key people,” Specter told Conrad. “You saw what happened in Yemen not too long ago with military action taken against Al Qaida key figures. Would you recommend that for Hizbullah, key figures outside the United States?”

Recommend it? He’s begging for it.

“Yes, sir,” Conrad replied. “And I hope that extradition efforts and other rendering efforts might someday be fruitful here. At that point, Specter said the prospect of the United States obtaining the extradition of Hizbullah suspects from Lebanon appears dim. Then he added, “But it’s possible to do other things in Lebanon.” Specter did not elaborate.

Extradition from Lebanon will never happen. Prospects aren’t dim they’re non-existent. Just sign the paperwork and start building new predators. Lots of them.

Officials said any such move would take place in the next stage of the war against terrorism. They said any assassination must be preceded by an intensive monitoring effort of Hizbullah leaders and operatives in Lebanon.

Lets hope thats already going down. I’d be disappointed if it wasn’t.

I was going to detail some of Hizbullah’s crimes against humanity but then I stumbled across something written by Jed Babbin who was a deputy undersecretary of Defense in the first Bush administration.

We remember that in October 1983 Hezbollah suicide bombers killed more than 250 U.S. Marines in Beirut by ramming a truck past a guard post and detonating a bomb against the Marines’ barracks. In 1984, they kidnapped and murdered CIA station chief William Buckley. Also in Lebanon, four years later, they kidnapped Marine Lt. Col. William R. Higgins. They tortured Higgins before he died, and then published photographs of his battered body to show how proud they were of their brutal and cowardly act. Hezbollah is on America’s list of designated terrorist organizations. In fact, three of its leaders — Imad Magniyah, Hasan Izz-al-din, and Ali Attwa — are on our list of the 22 Most Wanted terrorists. We want these men, dead or alive. Of the two conditions, I do have a strong preference.

I strongly suggest that you read the rest of the article at The American Prowler.

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11-28-2002 | Comments-Trackbacks (0)

“terror organzations and the regimes behind them are able to arm themselves with weapons which can cause mass casualties anywhere and everywhere,” Netanyahu said. “Today, they’re firing the missiles at Israeli planes, tomorrow they’ll fire missiles at American planes, British planes, every country’s aircraft.

Therefore, there can be no compromise with terror.” – Binyamin Netanyahu

Seems like a better time than ever to send Israeli troops a pizza.

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11-23-2002 | Comments-Trackbacks (0)

Sam at LibertyThink doesn’t want you to buy the IDF Pizzas.

Nothing better to pre-empt the murder of a half a million people than a piping hot meat-lovers, a Cola-Cola, and a dradle. I love fighting for another foreign nation. It makes American blood that much more worthless in the eyes of the instigators.

Sam, you can stop banging your tin-foil wrapped noggin against the wall in despair. There is an alternative. You can send burgers and cokes to the IDF instead!

Kudos to the people at PizzaIDF for developing an alternative for the folks out there who, like Sam, are deeply opposed to the whole idea of sending pizza to the IDF.

Bloggers who support Israel can contribute to a group fund that will let the IDF know that they have supporters on the web. Michele over at A Small Victory has collected close to $300 from the conservative Blogosphere in her attempt to put a slice of pizza in the hands of every IDF soldier. Swing over and give her a couple bucks. It really is the least you can do.

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11-23-2002 | Comments-Trackbacks (0)

If a Democrat was president right now, Joe Fuktardo, you wouldn’t be saying this. In fact, BJ Clinton used the military more than any other US President in history. Do you think he was rewarding all those Republican supporters that work in the defense industry? Where was it in the interest in our country’s wealth to go to Somalia on a humanitarian mission? Bosnia? Kosovo? Did we actually benefit economically from attacking Afghanistan? I remember all you tin hat pundits screaming “it’s all about the oil!” Trans-afghan pipeline! blah blah” but not one US company benefited from oil or gas in Afghanistan. Idiot. – Wesley Dabney’s fisking of Joe Zarro.

I’m not sure if I want to waste my time on Joe. Wesley is right when he says that every freaking sentence this guy writes is fiskable. Fisking this moron would be the intellectual equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel.

But sometimes shooting metaphorical fish in a barrel is fun. Especially when the fish in question is responsible for drivel like this:

Liberal radicalism, however, is not limited to the Stanford campus. In a Nov. 12 opinion piece in the newspaper of record at San Diego State University, opinion editor Joe Zarro decried students who had squirreled away copies of the Aztec following the publication of a cartoon that protestors claimed was “racist.” But the piece soon devolved into a rant against patriotism and national pride.

Proclaiming that the “worst form of racism … believes one culture is superior,” Zarro lists what he sees as racist acts.

“It’s that small American flag in the corner of a car window, it’s the rhetoric politicians spout off daily and it’s the open attitude of a disturbing amount of Americans. It is the belief that this is the greatest country in the history of man,” the English major writes.

Zarro does not contend that Americans hate Muslims. Instead, he says, they don’t understand Islam, but “because we are arrogant, prideful and patriotic, we believe we can fix the region.”

And why are Americans so arrogant? According to Zarro, it is a result of “forced” recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and misrepresentative history books. Although he initially criticized the infringement of freedom of speech (one of those oppressive rights enjoyed by racist Americans), in the end Zarro does not blame those who took the newspapers from their stands. “After all, we are constantly lied to — we are told racism is hate when it is actually pride,” he concluded. Well, that clears it all up doesn’t it?

Read more.

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11-23-2002 | Comments-Trackbacks (0)

Rachel Lucas and Michael Moore - Photoshoped


I stumbled across this image while doing some research in Dallas, Texas. I’m starting to think that Rachel’s dislike for Michael Moore has it’s roots in something far deeper than their obvious political differences.

Could it be that there’s more at work here than her dislike for Moore’s evasion, his cowardice when faced with his own stupidity, or his apparent inability to tell the truth? You know what they say about the fine line between love and hate, a woman scorned, and all that stuff.

Blogs of War will keep you updated on this developing story.

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