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Helping Students Make Conne...
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P rovid...
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&>Ninth Edition of the best-selling...This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Understand the Changing...
"Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus’ son Achilleus / and its devastation." For sixty years, that's how Homer has begun the Iliad in English, in Richmond Lattimore's faithful translation—t...
Marc Holzer and Richard Schwester have written a fresh and highly engaging textbook for the introductory course in Public Administration.
Their coverage is both comprehensive and cu...
The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing serves as an introduction to the steps required to complete a penetration test or perform an ethical hack. You learn how to properly utilize ...
Electrical Engineering 101 covers the basic theory and practice of electronics, starting by answering the question "What is electricity?" It goes on to explain the fundamental principles and com...
This new edition of Bill Nichols’s bestselling text provides an up-to-date introduction to the most important issues in documentary history and criticism. Designed for students in any field that...
Health is maintained by the coordinated operation of all the biological systems that make up the individual. The Introduction to Psychoneuroimmunology, 2e, presents an overview of what ha...
This edition of Introduction to Forensic Psychology has been completely restructured to map to how courses on forensic psychology are taught, and features more figures, tables, and...
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Students often fear the educati...
The most authoritative and comprehensive text in Abnormal Psychology, now with DSM-5 coverage throughout.
The esteemed author team of Jim Butcher, Jill Hooley, ...
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Research made relevant ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
A best-selling, topically organ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Helps students understa...
The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View 2e provides a flexible solution for the intro psych c...
If one street in America can claim to be the most infamous, it is surely 42nd Street. Between Seventh and Eighth Avenues, 42nd Street was once known for its peep shows, street corner hustlers an...
Computational science is an exciting new field at the intersection of the sciences, computer science, and mathematics because much scientific investigation now involves computing as well as theo...
This Fourth Revised Edition of Computer Organization and Design includes a complete set of updated and new exercises, along with improvements and changes suggested by instructors and stud...
Author Peter Pacheco uses a tutorial approach to show students how to develop effective parallel programs with MPI, Pthreads, and OpenMP. The first undergraduate text to directly address compili...
This entirely revised second edition of Engineering a Compiler is full of technical updates and new material covering the latest developments in compiler technology. In this comprehensive...
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Using Hands-On Practice exercises a...Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor 2013 contains a series of sixteen tutorial style...
Visualization for Engineers and Scientist is the design guide to help students understand t...
The primary goal of AutoCAD 2014 Tutorial - First Level: 2D Fundamentals is to introduce th...
Space and place have become central to analysis of culture and history in the humanities and social sciences. Making Place examines how people engage the material and social worlds of the urban ...
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Architecture Principia<...
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Statics and Strengt...
Architecture and Capitalism tells a story of the relationship between the economy and architectural design. Eleven historians each discuss in brand new essays the time period they know best, loo...
Filled with tutorials from front to back, the book focu...
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Relaunching Titanic critically considers the invocation of Titanic heritage in Belfast in contributing to a new ‘post-conflict’ understanding of the city. The authors address how the memory of T...
Although we visualize the landscape as a place, it is best understood as a process. Landscape design thus becomes a tool for managing this process of change to create meaningful and compelling p...
Singularly highlights landscape architectural elements with clear design principles! Designed to be used as a helpful resource by individuals beginning their careers, Basic Elements of Landsc...