
Afghanistan al-Qa'ida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS):
aim(s): establish an Islamic caliphate in the Indian subcontinent
area(s) of operation: heaviest presence is in Afghanistan, especially in the eastern and southern regions, where most of the Afghan-based leaders are located
note(s): targets primarily Afghan military and security personnel and US interests

Haqqani Taliban Network (HQN):
aim(s): expel US and Coalition forces and replace the Afghan Government with an Islamic state operating according to a strict Salafi Muslim interpretation of Sharia under the Afghan Taliban
area(s) of operation: stages attacks from Kurram and North Waziristan Agency in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) across from Afghanistan's southeastern border; operational throughout the country, especially in Kabul and Paktiya and Khost provinces
note(s): plays a leading role in planning and executing high-profile attacks against Afghan personnel, NATO’s Resolute Support Mission, US and Coalition Forces, and other US and Western interests

Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI):
aim(s): implement Sharia in Afghanistan; enhance its networks and drive foreign troops from Afghanistan
area(s) of operation: operations throughout Afghanistan, targeting primarily Afghan Government personnel and Coalition forces

Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM):
aim(s): enhance its networks and paramilitary training in Afghanistan and, ultimately, incorporate Kashmir into Pakistan; establish an Islamic state in Kashmir
area(s) of operation: maintains paramilitary training camps in eastern Afghanistan

Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM):
aim(s): participate in the insurgency against Afghan and international forces to support a Taliban return to power in Afghanistan and annex the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan
area(s) of operation: historically operated in Afghanistan’s eastern provinces

Jaysh al Adl:
aim(s): enhance its operational networks and capabilities for staging cross-border attacks into Pakistan and Iran
area(s) of operation: operational in the greater Balochistan area, where fighters stage attacks targeting Shia Muslims in Iran and Pakistan
note(s): formerly known as Jundallah

Lashkar i Jhangvi (LJ):
aim(s): enhance its networks and paramilitary training in Afghanistan; exterminate Shia Muslims, rid the Afghanistan-Pakistan region of Western influence
area(s) of operation: headquartered in the east; operates paramilitary training camps near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border across from the central area of Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) region; operatives conduct operations inside Afghanistan

Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LT):
aim(s): annex the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan and foment Islamic insurgency in India; attack Western, Indian, and Afghan interests in Afghanistan; support the Taliban’s return to power; enhance its recruitment networks and paramilitary training in Afghanistan, and, ultimately, install Islamic rule throughout South Asia
area(s) of operation: targets Coalition forces and Western interests throughout the country; maintains several facilities, such as paramilitary training camps, medical clinics serving locals, and schools for youths; targets Pashtun youth for recruitment (April 2018)
Algeria HAMAS:
aim(s): fundraising and diplomatic outreach in Algeria
area(s) of operation: small contingent of officials, probably in Algiers (April 2018)
Argentina Hizballah:
aim(s): largely limited to generating political and financial support from the Lebanese diaspora
area(s) of operation: conducted operations in the 1990s; maintains a limited presence (April 2018)
Bangladesh al-Qa'ida (AQ):
aim(s): overthrow the Bangladesh Government and, ultimately, establish a pan-Islamic caliphate under a strict Salafi Muslim interpretation of Sharia
area(s) of operation: operates in collaboration with its al-Qa'ida in the Indian Subcontinent affiliate

al-Qa'ida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS):
aim(s): protect Muslims in Bangladesh from perceived injustices and, ultimately, establish an Islamic caliphate in the Indian subcontinent
area(s) of operation: active throughout the country, targeting primarily military and security personnel and US interests (April 2018)
Burkina Faso al-Qa'ida-affiliated Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM):
aim(s): establish an Islamic state centered in Mali
area(s) of operation: primarily based in northern and central Mali; targets Western and local interests in West Africa and Sahel; has claimed responsibility for attacks in Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso
note(s): pledged allegiance to al-Qa'ida and AQIM; holds Western hostages; wages attacks against security and peacekeeping forces in Mali (April 2018)
Cameroon Boko Haram:
aim(s): establish an Islamic caliphate across Africa
area(s) of operation: conducts lethal bombing attacks and assaults, displacing thousands of people, especially in the Far North Region
note(s): violently opposes any political or social activity associated with Western society, including voting, attending secular schools, and wearing Western dress

Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)-West Africa:
aim(s): implement ISIS's strict interpretation of Sharia; replace the Nigerian Government with an Islamic state
area(s) of operation: based primarily in Northeast Nigeria along the border with Niger, with its largest presence in northeast Nigeria and the Lake Chad region; targets primarily regional military installations (April 2018)
Chad Boko Haram:
aim(s): establish an Islamic caliphate across Africa
area(s) of operation: conducts kidnappings, bombings, and assaults, including in the capital, N'Djamena
note(s): violently opposes any political or social activity associated with Western society, including voting, attending secular schools, and wearing Western dress

Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)-West Africa:
aim(s): implement ISIS's strict interpretation of Sharia; replace the Nigerian Government with an Islamic state
area(s) of operation: based primarily in Northeast Nigeria along the border with Niger, with its largest presence in northeast Nigeria and the Lake Chad region; targets primarily regional military installations (April 2018)
Djibouti al-Shabaab:
aim(s): punish Djibouti for participating in the African Union Mission in Somalia; compel Djibouti to withdraw troops from Somalia
area(s) of operation: maintains minimal operational presence (April 2018)
Egypt al-Qa'ida (AQ):
aim(s): overthrow the Egyptian Government and, ultimately, establish a pan-Islamic caliphate under a strict Salafi Muslim interpretation of Sharia
area(s) of operation: maintains a longtime operational presence and established networks

Army of Islam (AOI):
aim(s): disrupt the Egyptian Government's efforts to provide security and, ultimately, establish an Islamic caliphate
area(s) of operation: operational mainly in Cairo and the Sinai Peninsula
note(s): associated with ISIS Sinai Province (formerly known as Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis); targets Israeli Government interests, sometimes in collaboration with the Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem

aim(s): bolster its relationship with the Egyptian Government to secure humanitarian relief for the Gaza Strip
area(s) of operation: intermittently stations some senior officials in Cairo; periodic high-level delegation visits (April 2018)
Ethiopia al-Shabaab:
aim(s): punish Ethiopia for participating in the African Union Mission in Somalia; compel Ethiopia to withdraw troops from Somalia
area(s) of operation: aspires to conduct attacks in Addis Ababa; no permanent presence (April 2018)
France Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA):
aim(s): establish an independent Basque homeland based on Marxist principles in what is now southwestern France and northern Spain
area(s) of operation: maintains a presence in the southwest (April 2018)
Gaza Strip Abdallah Azzam Brigades (AAB):
aim(s): bolster its staging capabilities in the Gaza Strip against Israel to continue its attempts to disrupt Israel's economy and its efforts to establish security
area(s) of operation: launches homemade rockets from the Gaza Strip into populated Israeli territory, primarily the cities of Nahariya and Ashkelon

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB):
aim(s): bolster its staging capabilities in the Gaza Strip against Israel and, ultimately, establish a Palestinian state comprising the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem
area(s) of operation: stages attacks from the Gaza Strip against Israeli soldiers and civilians inside Israel, including launching rockets and missiles

Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)-Sinai:
aim(s): bolster its staging capabilities in the Gaza Strip against Israel and, ultimately, establish a regional Islamic caliphate
area(s) of operation: stages attacks against Egyptian forces along the Gaza Strip-Egypt border and launches rockets into southern Israel from the border closest to Israel
note(s): formerly known as Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (April 2018)
India al-Qa'ida (AQ):
aim(s): overthrow the Indian Government and, ultimately, establish a pan-Islamic caliphate under a strict Salafi Muslim interpretation of Sharia
area(s) of operation: maintains an operational presence as al-Qa'ida in the Indian Subcontinent

al-Qa'ida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS):
aim(s): establish an Islamic caliphate in the Indian subcontinent
area(s) of operation: targets primarily military and security personnel, especially in the states of Assam, Gujarat, and Jammu and Kashmir; present in large cities, including Delhi

Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI):
aim(s): enhance its networks and operational capabilities in India
area(s) of operation: maintains an operational presence, especially in the south, including in Bangalore and Hubli

Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B):
aim(s): enhance its networks in India and, ultimately, install an Islamic state in Bangladesh
area(s) of operation: maintains a low-profile presence

Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM):
aim(s): enhance its networks and paramilitary training in India and, ultimately, annex Kashmir into Pakistan and establish an Islamic state in Kashmir
area(s) of operation: conducts attacks against Indian troops and civilians in Kashmir

Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM):
aim(s): annex Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan
area(s) of operation: operates primarily in Jammu and Kashmir State

Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LT):
aim(s): annex Jammu and Kashmir State to Pakistan and, ultimately, install Islamic rule throughout South Asia
area(s) of operation: operational throughout India, especially in the north in Jammu and Kashmir State, since at least 1993
note(s): continues to be one of the largest and most deadly of the anti-India-focused armed groups

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE):
aim(s): enhance its networks in India and, ultimately, revive the movement to establish a Tamil homeland
area(s) of operation: maintains safe havens, transit routes, human trafficking, and an operational presence in an effort to revive the movement and conduct attacks (April 2018)
Iran Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK):
aim(s): advance Kurdish autonomy, political, and cultural rights in Iran, Turkey, Iraq, and Syria
area(s) of operation: operational in the northwest; majority of members inside Iran are Iranian Kurds, along with Kurds from Iraq, Syria, and Turkey (April 2018)
Iraq Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS):
aim(s): replace the Iraqi Government with an Islamic state operating according to ISIS's strict interpretation of Sharia; declared its intention to wipe out the Yazidi community, whose faith is one of the country's oldest
area(s) of operation: operational in the rural and desert areas of central and northern Iraq, primarily within and near Sunni populations, with some presence in major population areas (April 2018)
Ireland Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA):
aim(s): to bring about a united Ireland
area(s) of operation: maintains an operational presence

New Irish Republican Army (NIRA):
aim(s): to bring about a united Ireland
area(s) of operation: maintains an operational presence
note(s): formerly known as the Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA) (April 2018)
Israel Hizballah:
aim(s): destroy the state of Israel
area(s) of operation: has been operational across Israel in the past, especially in the north; has in the past launched numerous rockets and other airborne projectiles and devices into Israeli towns in many regions; has the capability to launch rockets and missiles (April 2018)
Kenya al-Shabaab:
aim(s): establish Islamic rule in Kenya’s northeastern border region and coast; avenge Kenya's past intervention in Somalia against al-Shabaab and its ongoing participation in the African Union mission; compel Kenya to withdraw troops from Somalia; attract Kenyan recruits to support operations in Somalia
area(s) of operation: maintains an operational and recruitment presence, mostly along the coast and the northeastern border (April 2018)
Lebanon Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB):
aim(s): bolster its recruitment presence in Lebanon and, ultimately, establish a Palestinian state comprising the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem
area(s) of operation: recruits youths in Palestinian refugee camps

al-Nusrah Front/al-Qa'ida:
aim(s): bolster networks in Lebanon and, ultimately, establish a regional Islamic caliphate
area(s) of operation: in the east in the Bekaa Valley and along the Lebanon-Syria border; targets Lebanese Government institutions, security forces, and Lebanese civilians

Palestine Liberation Front (PLF):
aim(s): enhance its networks in Lebanon and, ultimately, destroy the state of Israel to establish a secular, Marxist Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital
area(s) of operation: maintains a recruitment and training presence in many refugee camps

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP):
aim(s): enhance its recruitment network in Lebanon and, ultimately, establish a secular, Marxist Palestinian state
area(s) of operation: recruits youths residing in the country's Palestinian refugee camps

PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC):
aim(s): enhance recruitment and operational networks in Lebanon
area(s) of operation: recruits young men living in Palestinian refugee camps, including camps in the Bekaa Valley (April 2018)
Malaysia Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS):
aim(s): replace the Malaysian Government with an Islamic state and implement ISIS's strict interpretation of Sharia
area(s) of operation: maintains a covert operational presence, mostly concentrated in the northeast province of Sabah

Jemaah Islamiyah (JI):
aim(s): enhance networks in Malaysia and, ultimately, overthrow the secular Malaysian Government and establish a pan-Islamic state across Southeast Asia
area(s) of operation: maintains a recruitment and operational presence, primarily in major cities (April 2018)
Montenegro Aum Shinrikyo (AUM):
aim(s): enhance its networks in Montenegro for recruitment and fundraising
area(s) of operation: maintains a limited presence; membership drastically depleted in March 2016 when authorities expelled 58 foreign members (April 2018)
Nepal Indian Mujahedeen (IM):
aim(s): enhance networks in Nepal to carry out attacks against Indians in Nepal and India
area(s) of operation: maintains active hubs of small, loosely connected networks (April 2018)
Niger al-Qa'ida-affiliated Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM):
aim(s): establish an Islamic state centered in Mali
area(s) of operation: primarily based in northern and central Mali; targets Western and local interests in West Africa and Sahel; has claimed responsibility for attacks in Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso
note(s): pledged allegiance to al-Qa'ida and AQIM; holds Western hostages; wages attacks against security and peacekeeping forces in Mali

Boko Haram:
aim(s): establish an Islamic caliphate across Africa
area(s) of operation: conducts kidnappings, bombings, and assaults; responsible for displacing thousands of people and contributing to food insecurity
note(s): violently opposes any political or social activity associated with Western society, including voting, attending secular schools, and wearing Western dress (April 2018)
Pakistan Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham-Khorasan (ISIS-K):
aim(s): establish an Islamic caliphate in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region; oppose Pakistan Government and Westerners; oppose Shia Muslim population
area(s) of operation: maintains an operational and recruitment presence throughout the country, primarily along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border to stage attacks inside Afghanistan and Pakistan
note(s): recruits from among the local population and other militant groups such as Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, the Afghan Taliban, and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP):
aim(s): remove Pakistani forces from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) region; overthrow the Pakistan Government to implement TTP's strict interpretation of Sharia
area(s) of operation: maintains a large presence in Karachi, the capital of Sindh Province; trains and deploys fighters in the tribal belt in the Pashtun areas along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, especially in Kunar and Paktika provinces where TTP has established sanctuaries; operationally active in the North Waziristan, South Waziristan, and Balochistan regions; targets Pakistan Government officials and military, security, and police personnel, as well as Westerners, pro-government tribal elders, Shia Muslims, and education figures and advocates (April 2018)
Philippines Jemaah Islamiyah (JI):
aim(s): enhance its networks in the Philippines and, ultimately, overthrow the Philippine Government and establish a pan-Islamic state across Southeast Asia
area(s) of operation: maintains an operational and recruitment presence, especially in the south (April 2018)
Qatar HAMAS:
aim(s): continue engagement with the Qatari Government
area(s) of operation: maintains a limited office in Doha
Russia Aum Shinrikyo (AUM):
aim(s): attract new members seeking religious guidance and exhibiting a willingness to financially support the organization
area(s) of operation: between 1,500 and 30,000 AUM members live across Russia; recruitment efforts have intensified in recent years

Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS):
aim(s): implement its strict interpretation of Sharia in Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, and Kabardino-Balkariya; retaliate for Russian involvement in the Syria conflict
area(s) of operation: operational in the North Caucasus, where the branch is known as Wilayat Kavkaz or ISIS-Caucasus (ISIS-C); across Russia, ISIS recruits for domestic operations primarily from among Central Asian migrant worker populations (April 2018)
Saudi Arabia al-Qa'ida (AQ):
aim(s): oppose the Saudi Islamic monarchy due to its cooperation with the US and the West, particularly US military bases in the Kingdom; eradicate US and Western influence and presence from Saudi Arabia
area(s) of operation: maintains familial connections but lacks a persistent operational presence; probably retains some supporters in the country who could facilitate future operations

al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP):
aim(s): ultimately overthrow the Saudi Islamic monarchy; eradicate US and Western influence and presence from Yemen and the rest of the Arabian Peninsula
area(s) of operation: maintains familial connections but lacks an operational presence inside Saudi Arabia; operates widely in neighboring Yemen

Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)-Saudi Arabia:
aim(s): replace the Saudi Islamic monarchy with an Islamic state applying ISIS's strict interpretation of Sharia; target minority Shia Muslims, Saudi security personnel, and their interests
area(s) of operation: maintains a recruitment presence; conducts deadly strikes against Saudi security personnel and bombs Shia Muslim mosques, markets, and other places where Shia Muslims gather (April 2018)
Singapore Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS) network in Singapore:
aim(s): enhance its networks in Singapore; implement ISIS's strict interpretation of Sharia
area(s) of operation: attacks in Bangladesh are staged in Singapore; operates under the name the Islamic State in Bangladesh

Jemaah Islamiyah (JI):
aim(s): enhance its networks in Singapore and, ultimately, overthrow the Singapore Government and establish a pan-Islamic state across Southeast Asia
area(s) of operation: maintains a presence (April 2018)
Syria Abdallah Azzam Brigades (AAB):
aim(s): disrupt and attack Shia Muslim and Western interests in Syria
area(s) of operation: remains operational; conducts attacks against primarily Shia Muslim organizations and individuals, including Hizballah members, and Westerners and their interests

al-Qa'ida (AQ):
aim(s): overthrow President Bashar al-ASAD's regime; establish a regional Islamic caliphate and conduct attacks outside of Syria
area(s) of operation: operational primarily in Idlib Governorate and southern Syria, where it has established networks and operates paramilitary training camps

Ansar al-Islam (AAI):
aim(s): remove Syrian President Bashar al-ASAD from power and establish a government operating according to Sharia
area(s) of operation: operationally active in Syria since 2011; launches attacks on Syrian Government security forces and pro-Syrian Government militias; some AAI factions combat ISIS, while others are aligned with ISIS

aim(s): preserve Syrian President Bashar al-ASAD's regime
area(s) of operation: operational activity throughout the country since 2012; centered on providing paramilitary support to President Bashar al-ASAD's regime against armed insurgents

Kata'ib Hizballah (KH):
aim(s): preserve Syrian President Bashar al-ASAD's regime
area(s) of operation: deploys combatants to Syria to fight alongside Syrian Government and Lebanese Hizballah forces

Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK):
aim(s): advance Kurdish autonomy, political, and cultural rights in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran
area(s) of operation: operational in the north and east; majority of members inside Syria are Syrian Kurds, along with Kurds from Iran, Iraq, and Turkey

Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem (MSC):
aim(s): destroy the state of Israel; enhance its networks in Syria
area(s) of operation: maintains limited networks for operational planning against Israel

Palestine Liberation Front (PLF):
aim(s): enhances its networks and, ultimately, destroy the state of Israel and establish a secular, Marxist Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital
area(s) of operation: maintains a recruitment and training presence in many refugee camps

PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC):
aim(s): preserve Syrian President Bashar al-ASAD's regime
area(s) of operation: maintains a political base in Damascus; fights with President al-ASAD's forces and Hizballah in areas where anti-regime paramilitary groups are active

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP):
aim(s): enhance its recruitment networks in Syria
area(s) of operation: maintains a recruitment and limited training presence in several refugee camps (April 2018)
Tanzania al-Shabaab:
aim(s): attract Tanzanian recruits to support terrorist operations in Kenya and Somalia
area(s) of operation: maintains minimal clandestine footprint in key cities (April 2018)
Turkey al-Nusrah Front:
aim(s): overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-ASAD's regime, absorb like-minded Syrian rebel groups, and ultimately, establish a regional Islamic caliphate
area(s) of operation: some facilitation networks

al-Qa'ida (AQ):
aim(s): radicalize the Turkish populace and eventually overthrow the Turkish Government as part of a long-term plan to establish a pan-Islamic caliphate under a strict Salafi Muslim interpretation of Sharia
area(s) of operation: maintains facilitation networks

aim(s): facilitate HAMAS fundraising and leadership meetings
area(s) of operation: Istanbul

Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK):
aim(s): advance Kurdish autonomy, political, and cultural rights in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria
area(s) of operation: operational predominantly in the southeast; the group’s primary targets include government, military, and security personnel and facilities; majority of members inside Turkey are Turkish Kurds, along with Kurds from Iran, Iraq, and Syria; the group is outlawed in Turkey (April 2018)
Uganda al-Shabaab:
aim(s): punish Ugandan Government for participating in African Union military operations against al-Shabaab; compel Uganda to withdraw forces from Somalia
area(s) of operation: aspires to renew attacks in Kampala; no permanent presence (April 2018)
Venezuela National Liberation Army (Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional, ELN):
aim(s): enhance its narcotics trafficking networks in Venezuela
area(s) of operation: maintains a narcotics trafficking presence, facilitating the transshipment of narcotics through the country (April 2018)
West Bank HAMAS:
aim(s): grow its political and operational presence in the West Bank
area(s) of operation: mostly political activity; small cells scattered throughout the West Bank for militant and illicit finance purposes

Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ):
aim(s): enhance its staging capabilities in the West Bank to launch attacks against Israel
area(s) of operation: mostly political activity; strives to maintain an operational presence

Palestine Liberation Front (PLF):
aim(s): enhance its networks in the West Bank and, ultimately, destroy the state of Israel; establish a secular, Marxist Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital
area(s) of operation: maintains a recruitment and training presence in some of the West Bank's refugee camps

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP):
aim(s): bolster its recruitment networks in the West Bank
area(s) of operation: mostly political activity, maintains a recruitment presence targeting youths (April 2018)