The Garlic

About Me

The Garlic: All The Cloves Fit To Peel was founded in February 2005 by J. Thomas Duffy. Mr. Duffy has written humor, sports and just about everything else since 1975 - sometimes even getting paid to do so! His experience includes stand-up comedy (both as writer and performer), newspaper reporting and public relations and promotional work. Mr. Duffy has authored three unpublished children's books that are currently collecting dust. Mr. Duffy enjoys examining the possibility that the dog salivating made Pavlov ring the bell. For more information email jtdjazz at gmail dot com

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Team Members

The Garlic  
The Reaction Carl Michael J.W. Stickings creature The (liberal)Girl Next Door J. Kingston Pierce Mustang Bobby non sequitur Capt. Fogg Grace James Stickings Libby Spencer Boatboy_SRQ Vivek Krishnamurthy MSS Dan Tobin lindabeth Jim Arkedis Carol Gee Edward Copeland
Out Of Iraq Bloggers Caucus Ethan Andy96 Linda G. Richard Dale LarryE Peace Action West Sharon Robert Ellman Blue Tidal Wave Alexa Decline and Fall Cernig Ron Beasley Big Fella snackdoodle hungeski Storm SE Ed Ricciotti Melanie 59  more