
Sunday, April 18, 2010


Foxy the Fascist again

It's reasonable to condemn violence but Foxy wants to stop speech too:
"How should Republicans respond to Democratic calls for them to help end vandalism and threats of violence in the wake of healthcare reform's passage? Answer from Abraham H. Foxman:

The most effective response to the vandalism and threats of violence targeting political leaders would be for the senior leadership of both parties, Republicans and Democrats, to stand together on the same platform, at the same time, and insist that the insults and demonization that have come to characterize our political discourse stop immediately. Americans must be able to use political means rather than violence, intimidation, or threats to resolve policy differences.


The ADL seems to think that Nazi methods are OK if the cause is right. That Hitler thought his cause was right just somehow seems unable to penetrate crazed ADL brains. With friends like the anti-Christian, anti-conservative, anti-democratic Foxy, Jews don't need enemies.

Posted by John Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).



German Green Party Announces Anti-Macho Manifesto

(Bonn, Germany) At the Green Party National Women's Congress this weekend in Bonn, the party leadership announced an anti-macho manifesto to achieve gender justice among all Greens. The new and stronger gender message is now proclaimed to be: "We no longer need to be macho!" along with "equality and male feminism."
The signatories include several Green politicians from the European parliament, the German Bundestag as well as local Green leaders. "We no longer want to be macho," it declares, "we want to be people. You are not born a man, you are turned into one."

The men's manifesto makes two main points. First, men need to break out of their traditional gender roles. "We need a new awareness of a new masculinity," write its co-authors Sven Lehmann and Jan Philipp Albrecht. Second, they argue that their fellow men need to realize that real equality will not happen without their participation.

"We want to live differently!" writes Lehmann, a senior member of the North Rhine-Westphalia branch of the party, and the European parliamentarian Albrecht. They appeal for a slower pace of life, less focus on profit and more health consciousness. They want to start holding "Boys' Days and gender-sensitive career-guidance sessions."
Interestingly, while announcing a formal edict regarding suppression of testosterone in the male population, the German Greens also recently announced an LGBT Manifesto which formally declares that all people are to be treated equally and fairly. Maybe it's just me, but in the fairness and equality arena, it seems that male heterosexuals lose.

Oddly, the Green Party was created to support environmental issues and now it seems to have developed a utopian agenda envisioning a world with only women, girly men and homosexuals. Lost during the transition is what, if anything, the matriarchal Shangri-La has to do with the environment.

In any event, I question the motivation for the anti-macho manifesto. Just guessing, my answer would be that some feminine-types need a formal policy and political party authorization for wide-spread demonization of men with balls.



Fish Hook Catches Thief

(Cloppenburg, Germany) Some people simply pick the wrong occupation.
A German thief who broke into an angling shop had some bad luck when he fell and sat on a number of fish hooks. He was quickly caught because he was in too much pain to run. Police said their job was made even easier because the store's price tags were still attached to the hooks embedded in his bottom. [...]

"He couldn't run because he was in a lot of pain and was drunk," Gunda Dreesmann a spokeswoman for the Cloppenburg police.
One of the hooks had to be removed at the hospital. Criminally drunk and stupid, a deadly combination.


Saturday, April 17, 2010


Ecuadorean Threat to Nationalize Oil

(Quito, Ecuador) Nationalizing industries seems to be a sport for Latin American strongmen.
Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa said on Sunday he would nationalize oil foreign companies who continue to reject new state-proposed deals.

The government is trying to persuade foreign oil operators to give up profit-sharing deals and sign new service-provider agreements, under which their profits will be determined by Quito.

"I've ran out of patience. All my numerous requests to review terms of oil extraction for foreign businesses were ignored," Correa said on the national TV.

"In the coming weeks I will send a bill to Congress, giving me the authority to nationalize foreign companies which refuse to sign new agreements," he said.



The brownshirts are still with us

On the night of Friday April 9th, a petite female political operative and her boyfriend were attacked and seriously injured in New Orleans by a vicious group of crazed cowards who shrieked political insults while pouncing. After the pummeling, the petite female and her boyfriend were left, collectively, with a compound leg fracture, a concussion, a broken nose and broken jaw. No robbery occurred.

But wait!....Don’t waste your time--if you’re Googling for this item on CNN, New York Times, Wa-Po, MSNBC, Huff-Po, ABC, Salon, CBS, etc. --that is.

What? But don’t attacks (physical and/or verbal) of a political nature outrage the above media outfits to the point of hysteria? Didn’t all the above media outfits wail an indignant chorus to the high-heavens regarding the “anguish” suffered by Rep. Emanuel Cleaver when dribbled with a few drops of (unconfirmed) Tea-Partier spittle, to say nothing of the fit-of -the-vapors suffered by Barney Frank upon hearing some schoolyard taunts by same?

Sure. But the beating victims in New Orleans (left with perhaps permanently disabling injuries) were Republicans, you see. They were emerging from a Republican fundraising dinner at a French Quarter restaurant shortly after attending the Southern Republican Leadership Conference. Their attackers (as appears overwhelmingly probable given all evidence) waved signs saying “Republicans Geaux Home!” and had formed a gauntlet outside the restaurant shrieking anti-Republican insults at all who entered and exited its doors....

Amongst the shriekers and sign-carriers that formed the gauntlet in front of Brennans Restaurant, one waved a sign with Che Guevara’s famous, “Hasta la Victoria Siempre.” Shortly after this sign was waved, a small defenseless woman was wantonly beaten and severely injured. For those familiar with Che Guevara’s handiwork, nothing could be more fitting.


Posted by John Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).


Friday, April 16, 2010


Arkansas Teacher Accused of Sex with Male Student

(Beebe, Arkansas) A 23-year-old substitute teacher at Beebe High School, Jessica James, has been arrested for allegedly engaging in sex with a 16-year-old male student.

James has been charged with first-degree felony sexual assault. James began teaching as a substitute in September 2009. The alleged sex reportedly occurred in November 2009.

James was fired from her job in December.

After booking into custody at the White County Jail and spending the night, James was released on $50,000 bond.




Sex with Dogs Case

(Sumas, Washington) A 51-year-old tourist from Great Britain, Stephen Clarke, was arrested this week by Whatcom County Sheriff's deputies for allegedly engaging in sex with three dogs. Clarke was visiting a Sumas man who was under investigation by the feds.

According to Whatcom County Sheriff Bill Elfo:
The federal agencies, led by the U.S. Probation Department, were executing a search warrant for the suspect's computer and electronic recording devices when they came across a video of Clarke allegedly sexually abusing the dogs, Elfo said.
Clarke was booked into custody at the Whatcom County Jail on felony animal abuse charges.

Notably, bestiality only became illegal in Washington after the furor caused from a horse-sex fatality in 2005 at a livestock sex club in Enumclaw in King County.

It's also notable that one man involved with the Enumclaw episode, James Tait, who was only charged with trespassing, went on to engage in animal sex in the state of Tennessee where he was convicted and sentenced to probation.

In conclusion, I believe evidence suggests that bestiality is practiced to a far greater degree than is generally recognized.



Social Networks Now Open to U.S. Soldiers in Europe

(Stuttgart, Germany) Good news for U.S. service members.
U.S. Army Europe has opened its nonsecure networks to social media Web sites, allowing its staff to access sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube on government computer.

The Department of Defense lifted its ban on social media in late February, but the change has been slow to reach overseas commands. The Marines lifted their ban about two weeks ago but still haven’t opened their networks in Europe. Airmen assigned to U.S. Air Forces in Europe also are still waiting.
The military claims that network security contributed to the delay in implementation.



SC Teacher Accused of Sex with Student

(Lake City, South Carolina) A 27-year-old physical education teacher formerly at Lake City High School, Kari Huggins Campbell, was arrested for allegedly engaging in a months-long sexual relationship with a student under the age of 16.

According to the Florence County Sheriff's Office, Campbell has been charged with second-degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor and lewd act on a minor. The sex of the victim wasn't reported.
The district notified law enforcement after it said a teacher admitted Wednesday to the relationship, according to a press release. The district also said it will notify the South Carolina Department of Education.

The district began its investigation after school administrators began hearing concerns about text messages between the teacher and the student, a press release states.

The district said the relationship took place outside of school and that nothing indicates any inappropriate behavior happened during school hours.
Campbell was booked into custody at the Florence County Detention Center and later released on $15,000 surety bond.




Kid with Heroin at School, Mom Arrested - Updated

(Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania) The source of the heroin has been identified as the young boy's mother, 25-year-old Chynita Young. According to Wilkinsburg Police Chief Ophelia Cookie Coleman, Young was arrested and arraigned on charges of endangering the welfare of children and corruption of minors.

Oddly, no drug offense has been charged. However, detectives continue their investigation.

Young was booked into custody with bond set at $75,000. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for April 22.

* * * * *

Kid, 8, Hands Out Heroin at School
[Previous 4/14/10 post]
(Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania) An 8-year-old 3rd-grade student at Turner Elementary School was found by his teacher to be carrying and passing out small bags of heroin.
Police seized 60 bags and found 18 more empty packages in a classroom trash can.

Investigating Officer Mike Adams said he believes those bags, marked "trust me," somehow came open and the powder spilled out.

There have been no reports of the students ingesting the drug, but school officials sent a letter home to parents Tuesday informing them of the incident.
The boy's parents were notified. An investigation of the source of the heroin was launched.



Thursday, April 15, 2010


The Slant on

It's never too late to devote effort in exposing the leftist political bias of Mom-and-Pop, David and Barbara Mikkelson, run the site out of their California abode in the San Fernando Valley.

Things were going along swimmingly for the Mikkelsons until they were found inaccurate and incomplete in some of their assertions and, later, pegged largely hard-left and agenda-driven.

The recommendation is to seek confirmation of anything gleaned from



Playboy Centerfold Accused of Doctor Shopping

(West Palm Beach, Florida) The centerfold of the February 1992 issue of Playboy magazine featured 20-year-old Tanya Michelle Beyer, a strikingly beautiful woman. For several years in the 1990s, Beyer modeled and was featured in Playboy female anatomy instructional and entertainment videos.

But that'a all old news.

Tanya Beyer - 1992 and 2010

In fresh news, Tanya Beyer, now 38, is in custody in Palm Beach County for trafficking in oxycodone and withholding information from a practitioner, commonly called doctor shopping. Beyer turned herself in to the Palm Beach County Jail after being on the lam as a fugitive for six months.

Bond has been set at $18,000.




Tea Party in Boston

Take notice of who is causing the ruckus. Report here.



Warning to British Judges

(London, England) The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey of Clifton, issued a warning today of future civil unrest if the British judiciary continues the trend of disturbing and dangerous rulings in religious discrimination cases.
He intervened in a case being brought by a Bristol solicitor and relationship counsellor who wants a special panel of five senior judges to hear his appeal against being sacked for refusing to counsel homosexual couples.

Lord Carey, who was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1991 to 2002, attacked the courts over a series of “disturbing” judgments and accused judges of being responsible for some “dangerous” reasoning which could, if taken to extremes, lead to Christians being banned from the workplace.

“Recent decisions of the courts have illuminated insensitivity to the interests and needs of the Christian community and represent disturbing judgments,” he said in a witness statement.
Lord Carey said he is supported in his statements by other Anglican biggies. It is unacceptable for Christian views to be considered “discriminatory” by the courts, with Christians likened to “bigots," he said.



"Obesity" to be banned?

About time. The word has been way over-used. It was once only used for grossly fat people, not people of middling weight
"Let's say you were carrying a few extra pounds -- would you rather be labeled "obese" or "fat"? City officials in Liverpool, England, evidently prefer the latter and are considering banning the word obesity from all official communications.

It's all because they feel that the word obese is too offensive, especially when it comes to kids. Officials at Liverpool's town hall would rather use the term "unhealthy weight" because it doesn't stigmatize overweight children as much.... "The idea is that obesity has a negative connotation behind it," he added....

Tam Fry of the obesity prevention charity the Child Growth Foundation certainly doesn't think so. "I can see where the children are coming from and the word carries a stigmatization but unfortunately some times schoolchildren have to be taught the realities of life," he told the Daily Mail. "If you have a problem, particularly when it's as serious as this, it needs addressing."

It's not certain whether the change will go through -- the proposal will be considered over the next few months -- but a spokesperson for the Liverpool city council insisted there would only be a subtle difference if it did.


The term "unhealthy weight" is a bit nuts too. Anorexics have an unhealthy weight but they sure aren't fat. What's wrong with "fat", anyway? Too simple and not judgmental enough, I guess.

Funny that we are allowed to be judgmental about people's weight but are not allowed to judgmental about other things -- such as homosexuality. And, because of AIDS, homosexuality is a lot more likely to kill you than being fat is.

Posted by John Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).



Disturbing Molestation Case

(Indianapolis, Indiana) A local couple, Heather Gibson, 22, and Justin Lashaway, 47, have been arrested for allegedly molesting a female family member, age 7. The pair have been charged with four counts of child molestation.

Heather Gibson, Justin Lashaway

According to Lt. Jeff Duhamell, Gibson and Lashaway had sex with the 7-year-old at least four times in January and some of the episodes were allegedly videotaped.
The investigation began when the girl confided in someone at her school, authorities said. Child Protective Services was contacted and police were called in to investigate.

"It's thankful that it came out now, because it probably would have gotten worse as far as the sexual acts were concerned, to the point, who knows what would have happened," Duhamell said.

Police think there may have been more encounters, but the charges stem from the four occasions the girl recounted.

Duhamell said sex toys were used during encounters he described as "disturbing and sick."
Gibson and Lashaway were booked into the Marion County Jail.



Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Dear Mr. Koppel

In an interview this week, Mr. Koppel, you remarked that the news industry is in a disastrous state. And then you said this:
"I think we're living through the — I hope — the final stages of what I like to call the age of entitlement...We now feel entitled not to have the news that we need but the news that we want. We want to listen to news that comes from those who already sympathize with our particular point of view. We don't want the facts any more."
Well, Mr. Koppel, please tell me who should determine what I need? Cannot I, as an American, feel entitled to make my own choices regarding my needs?

Also, in your probing of my brain and assessment of my wants and desires, just where did you detect the inclination to be intentionally ignorant of facts? Although you may have determined that I don't need to know nor want to know, I do.

A response in Comments would be appreciated. Thanks for your time.



Mom Arrested for Son's Truancy

(Starke, Florida) A 39-year-old local mother, Brenda Lee Jenkins, was arrested today by Bradford County Sheriff's deputies for failing to ensure her son attended school.

She faces a charge of contributing to the delinquency of her son.
The 12-year-old has missed 119 days out of 140 so far this school year.

The Bradford County School Board took the issue to the State Attorney's Office, which advised the sheriff's office to make the arrest if the boy was not in school today.

He wasn't.

A deputy with the Bradford County Sheriff's Office went to the home of 39-year-old Brenda Lee Jenkins today and took her to jail.
If Jenkins guarantees her son will start going to school, she will be released without bond. Obviously, Jenkins has been neglecting her responsibilities as a parent and I sadly don't predict a dramatic turnaround.




School Counselor Booked for Sex with Student

(Jacksonville, Florida) A 23-year-old guidance counselor formerly at Baldwin Middle-Senior High School, Tara Nicole Thompson, was arrested Monday by Jacksonville Sheriff's Office deputies for allegedly engaging in sex with a student.

She faces a charge of sexual battery on a victim under 18.
In December, a JSO sex crimes detective began investigating allegations of a relationship between Thompson and a student. The student admitted to the relationship, saying it lasted from September to December.

While police were investigating the allegation, Thompson was terminated after the Department of Children and Families contacted the school system about the matter, said spokesperson for Duval County Schools Jill Johnson.

The school system then used a rule that allows it to terminate an employee immediately if it is within 97 days of their hiring.
Thompson was booked into custody with bond set at $150,000.




Woman Indicted for Soliciting Boy Over Internet - Updated

(Houston, Texas) Former substitute teacher Lauri Ann Price, 43, has been indicted for aggressively chasing after an underage Canadian male, 16.

Price was charged yesterday with two counts of online solicitation of a minor and one count of enticing a child from the custody of parent.

Arraignment is scheduled for May 10. (h/t ron)

* * * * *

Woman Accused of Soliciting Teen Over Internet
[Previous 1/6/10 post]
(Houston, Texas) A 42-year-old local mom and substitute teacher with the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District, Lauri Ann Price, has been accused of soliciting and enticing a Canadian boy she met on the Internet.

Price, a mother of four, has been charged with two counts of online solicitation of a minor and one count of enticing a child with intent.
The Harris County’s District Attorney says the woman communicated with a 15-year-old boy in Canada and engaged in a cyber sexual relationship for over one year. The two allegedly met through the online game World of Warcraft.

Deputies say on Dec. 28, 2009, Price flew to Ontario from Houston where she picked up the now 16-year-old and engaged in a sexual relationship.

She was arrested Tuesday by the Internet Crimes Against Children unit in Houston, which is a local police officer task force.
Despite efforts by the boys parents to keep Price away, she ultimately absconded with him and was only found after a province-wide police manhunt. Disturbingly, Price left her four children home alone when she flew to Canada for sex with the youth. The children are now with their grandmother.

Price was booked into custody with bond initially set at $300,000. After a court appearance earlier today, bond was lowered to $15,000.




Vatican Links Pedophilia with Homosexuality

(Vatican City) Expect fireworks from this story. The homosexual community goes to great lengths to distance itself from child abusers.
The Vatican's second-in-command has linked child sex abuse by priests to homosexuality.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone denied celibacy was to blame for the sex scandals that have rocked the Roman Catholic Church.

Instead, homosexuality and paedophilia were inextricably linked, the Vatican's Secretary of State declared.

His comments embroiled the Vatican in another controversy yesterday, with gay rights campaigners saying there was no connection between the two.

Cardinal Bertone made his comments at a press conference in Chile in response to a question about a paedophile priest who had sex with girls, including one who became pregnant. The Chilean priest was eventually jailed for 12 years.

The cardinal said: 'Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and paedophilia.

'But many others have demonstrated, I have been told recently, that there is a relation between homosexuality and paedophilia. That is true. That is the problem.'
Gay activists have already started formulating a plan of outrage.



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