Monday, June 08, 2009

Wolfchase Area

First off I would just like to say sorry for not posting in almost a week. Last week was very busy and tiring. Memphis Daily Photo is back on track. Today I just wanted to show you all a view of the Wolfchase Area. In the background of the photo is the gaint mall, Wolfchase, here in Memphis. Around the mall iss all shopping and places to eat.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Summer Means Swimming

Summer means it is going to get real hot in Memphis. What better way to cool off in the hot summer season then to swim. For this pool to hold water you have to blow up the top sides of the pool. Once you do that when you fill it the outer edges rise up and hold the water in.

Monday, June 01, 2009

June Theme: Feet

The massive feet on this animal propel it in the water and help keep it afloat. You can see this polar at the beautiful Memphis Zoo.

Remember to check other daily photo blogs to see their submissions for June.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Vacation: Morgan's MIll

Now we come to our last day on vacation and this picture was actually taken when I was driving home. This is Morgan's Mill outside of Hardy,AR. What most do not know is a battle was fought here in the Civil War. Stopping here is a must. The main creek is behind the mill, not what you see in front of it. In the past you could go into the mill, but someone got hurt and now they have it locked.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Norfork Lake: Dam Bait Shop

This is the Dam Bait Shop. Now hold on, I am not cussing. This is the Norfork Lake Dam Dam Bait Shop. If you do not get the joke watch the movie National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation. In the movie the characters are at the Hoover Dam and the character, Eddie, yells out do you have any dam bait.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Weekend Vacation: Fish Hatchery

Today we will visit the Norfork National Fish Hatchery Park located just below the dam. The picture above is to thank all the people and places who donated money to build the hatchery complex.

In side the main, only building, is where they hatch and keep the baby rainbow trout. Each of these concrete tanks holds thousands of new tiny fish. The water pumped into the tanks, both inside and outside, comes from the bottom of the lake to keep the fish at the right temperature. By the way the water is around 44F.

This is one of many outside tanks. When the trout get to be about hand size they are moved to one of these. They will stay here till the fish are about 18 months old.

Finally this is what you can see inside one of the outside tanks. Rainbow Trout.. In this particle tank these are adults and are about 1- 2 feet long. Well, hope you enjoyed a quick tour of the fish hatchery. See you tomorrow as I take you on another site seeing tour.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

This week I am going to step away from Memphis and show you a place some Memphians like to go during Memorial Weekend, on vacation.

Location: Norfolk Lake, Arkansas
Travel Time: Hours

In todays photo, this is the Norfork Lake Dam. This one dam keeps back all the water in the lake. People like to camp and fish below the dam. ON the other side is the lake and you can fish, boat, swim, swim. There are also islands out on the lake you can camp on.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

monkey business

This photo was taken at the Memphis Zoo in the Primate Exhibit. There were students everywhere holding clipboards and taking notes. Apparently, these two kids were studying this ape. But by judging the way the ape is looking at them, it could seem the opposite way around. hehe.

Monday, May 18, 2009

hmmm. lunch!

Hhhhhmmmmm! Lasagna! I ate lunch yesterday with my parents at this nice Italian place called Carraba's. A bit pricey, but it sure is worth it. Before the waiter brought me my lasagna, I was given a bowl of some sort of spicy Italian chicken soup. Too bad I didn't think to take a photo of it. But it was tasty. I'm glad they gave me so much lasagna because there is enough to feed two people. Or at least to save some for lunch to eat the next day. Speaking of's almost lunch time. **runs to fridge**

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I love the warm weather and how it brings about new life. Yes it is another animal so I hope I am not boring you. Here we have a female duck laying on her eggs. Luckily she let me photograph her and I thanked her by giving her some bread. Hopefully she will be left in peace and we will see some baby ducks soon.